Innovative Wargaming and Net Assessment Solutions for Defense and Beyond

Empowering your organization to visualize, diagnose, and solve complex future challenges through an immersive and data-driven approach.

Our Approach

WNA is an innovative process that integrates wargaming and operational research with net assessment. WNA applies this framework to organizational learning efforts to enable institutional solutions and strategy development.

Process Overview

  1. Develop client requirements and coordinate with stakeholders.

  2. Frame the problem using design and systems thinking.

  3. Design robust scenarios and data collection plans.

  4. Integrate game design with AI/ML-based modeling and simulation.

  5. Conduct interactive wargames for deep analysis.

  6. Gather and analyze qualitative and quantitative data.

  7. Synthesize insights and disseminate findings to stakeholders.

  8. Iterate based on new information and organizational learning.

Why Wargaming and Net Assessment

Exclusive reliance on a single method often leads to limited outcomes. Troika’s WNA process integrates wargaming, net assessment, and operational research into one cohesive framework, ensuring that organizations can explore every facet of a problem before deciding on a course of action. With WNA, you can shape the future rather than merely respond to it.

Results You Can Trust

By combining human insight with advanced analytics, WNA empowers organizations to reduce strategic surprises and maximize resource allocation. Our end-to-end framework supports real-time decision-making, ensures collaboration across teams, and equips leaders with the tools they need to succeed against future challenges.

Troika Solutions WNA team developed, and supports the implementation of, the Marine Corps Logistics Command’s 5-Year Campaign Plan. Details can be found here

This images depicts the span of activities conducted by Marine Corps Logisitics Command that needed to be accounted for in the 5-Year Campaign Plan. This was an original visualization by the Troika Solutions WNA team used in the plan

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